Friday, April 06, 2007

Heideggerian Denken Gets 5,000+ Hits

I've been meaning to post this for a few weeks, but at the time of this post, Heideggerian Denken has received 5,399 total hits with 10,627 page views since its inception on May 3, 2006. I don't know how that compares with other blogs, especially since some near that number every week. Either way, as a relative nobody in the sphere of Heideggerian scholarship, I'm more than fine with that. I owe a number of those visits to my post on Monty Python's International Philosophy Soccer Match, which at one time was the most often viewed entry on the blog (might still be, but it's not as noticeable). Here's the current summary report:

Total 5,399
Average Per Day 17
Average Visit Length 1:32
Last Hour 2
Today 8
This Week 117

Page Views  
Total 10,627
Average Per Day 28
Last Hour 2
Today 10
This Week 199


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