Monday, January 22, 2007

Fonds Ricoeur

There's a new Ricoeur website in town: Fonds Ricoeur (HT Newsletter of Phenomenology). Unfortunately, the English section is still under construction so all the information is currently in French. Here's their blurb on the purpose of the site:
Paul Ricœur is a major twentieth century philosopher, because of the wide range of his thinking and the world wide impact of his work. This Web site helps to discover or to go deeper into his life, work and thinking, and to continue research on subjects he was interested in. It gives a virtual access to some documents from the “Fonds Ricœur” : so you may sometimes feel you are entering the philosopher’s personal library! This exploration of Paul Ricœur’s thinking leads up to dialogue and research, which this site encourages.
P.S. "Fonds," from what a few online searches show, means "melt." I'm not sure I understand the significance...


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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Sein und Zeit Lectures

Hat tip to Enowning for stumbling on Benjamin Waters' Lectures to Heidegger's Sein und Zeit. Also of interest are his Lectures on Philosophical Hermeneutics, which includes a section on Heidegger and Gadamer. Waters apparently teaches at The University of Sydny as a tutor.

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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology

I found this a few months ago and then promtly forgot about it before I could get to mentioning it here. The Society for Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, Division 24 of the American Psychological Association (APA), has a few journals available from its primary publication, Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology: 21/1, 21/2, 22/1, 22/2, 23/1, 23/2, 24/1, 24/2, and 25/1. Take a particular look at Charles Guignon's Hermeneutics, Authenticity, and the Aims of Psychology, Edwin Gantt's Rationality, Irrationality, and the Ethical: On Saving Psychology from Nihilism, Jack Martin's What Can Theoretical Psychology Do?, and Brent Slife's Taking Practice Seriously: Toward a Relational Ontology. There are, of course, other good papers, but those are the ones that stuck out at me.


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Psychology for the Other

Doing some surfing this morning and stumbled on the following: Psychology for the Other: A Seminar on Emmanuel Levinas. It is a series of conferences on the application of Levinas' philosophy to psychology and psychoanalysis. They have the 2006 papers/abstracts and an archive for 2003, 2004, and 2005 conferences. I don't know if these are related to Gantt and Williams' Psychology for the Other: Levinas, Ethics and the Practice of Psychology, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were.

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Friday, January 05, 2007

More Dreyfus Lectures

Over the break, as I was playing around with my new mp3 player, I found some audio lectures by Hubert Dreyfus and Ken Goldberg for their class Questioning Efficiency: Human Factors and Existential Phenomenology (Spring 2006). I haven't had the chance to listen to them all, but the lectures on "The Thing" are quite interesting. The lectures primarily focus on Heidegger's middle and later thought.


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